當談到酒店和城市的匹配時,我們不確定還有比萬豪艾迪遜酒店和永遠充滿活力的酒店更完美的搭配嗎?馬德里。 The brand is opening a property in the Spanish capital the week of April 21, and
“这是一座美丽的城市,按照自己的节奏前进,走自己的路,”The Edition 的远见卓识、酒店经营者伊恩·施拉格(Ian Schrager) 在向马德里发布的一份声明中这样评价馬德里。旅遊+休閒。 The same could be said for the hotel brand, known for its dramatic design schemes and forays into nightlife. (Schrager, you might recall, is the impresario behind New York's former Studio 54.)